The main issue when selling your property is the fact as to whether or not you would make a positive gain. In order to make an informed and educated assessment as to your properties worth, and whether the numbers involved give reason for you to make a change, you should have the assistance of a Realtor.
My duty to you is to provide you with an accurate value of your property, not just one based on mere statistics, such as square footage and bedroom count. There are other factors that come in to play, that would not be considered on the counties annual statement or considered through rough estimates given on websites.
And, lets not forget to mention, if selling your place of residence to buy another, the non-monetary factors that it might entail for your life. There is plenty to consider, and I am here to give you my time and help you.
If you would like to have a discussion about all that selling entails, and the pros and cons of the options available to you, then please contact me. I would be delighted to assist you, and to do a free Comparative Market Analysis on your property with no obligations.
Crystal L. Corley | 206-305-9022 |